This website has
been provided by Andrew Schwab
Andrew Schwab and/or will not be held
liable for any damages of any kind
arising from the use of or inability
to use this website. Andrew Schwab
and/or will not be
held liable for any damages,
including and without limitation
direct, indirect, incidental,
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the possibility of such damages,
this includes damages for negligence
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You agree to indemnify and hold
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As a visitor to our website, you
acknowledge and agree that any
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Andrew Schwab and/or
be liable for any direct, indirect,
consequential or exemplary damages
arising from the use of or performance of this website.
The text and/or photos of this
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offer no warranties as to it's
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not be held liable for any said
content or modification of
content. The information included
here is informational only and holds
no guarantees or warranties as to
the past or
future performance of the Fintry
Queen Vessel as a business.