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· Reliable Website Hosting
· Quality Website Design

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Company Info

(BC Host .net)

BCHOST.NET is a division of BC Technical Solutions. It's a new division bringing to our clients many years of business, marketing and computer industry experience. It's our belief that helping clients do business online requires more than just knowing how to build a Website, it also requires other areas of expertise for successful E-Commerce implementation... we have that expertise.

We bring our skills to the table (or virtual table) offering clients a range of services encompassing E-Commerce solutions. This is an advantage over the standard approach of building a Website and waiting for customers to knock at the door. It takes more than a "storefront" to increase market share.

We bring the Big Picture together:

Hosting: A balance of pricing and technology in order to provide a suitable place for your Website to reside. We can tailor your online requirements so you're not "undersold" or "oversold". This keeps things in perspective while still offering expandability.

Design: This is your presentation; your clients first impression of how you do business online. It also provides the tools required for your clients to find information, make inquires, purchases or for your Website to serve-up other interactive media. Within Website design we provide a range of services such as unique graphics design, layout and functionality. We also incorporate content for increasing your Website performance.

Marketing: You have your site and now how do they find you? Well as mentioned above... it takes more than a "storefront" to increase market share. A good marketing plan  custom-designed to fit financial and demographic requirements will place your products or services at a higher level of exposure (online or offline).

Consultation: Get the big picture. Get professional advice before you spend money on development and implementation. A small investment before you start can actually save you money giving you more capital to work with once you're online.

With the Big Picture considered it comes back to one answer, one solution that works for you... we are here to provide that solution.

BCHOST.NET Mission Statement:

It's our intension to:

  • always put the customer first
  • provide quality service at a competitive price
  • make our service reliable and accessible
  • Improve service based on the customers needs and feedback
  • expand and update our service in order to supply the latest technology
  • never "oversell" or "undersell" our clients

In Closing:

Our clients are important so contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Use the links below or at the top-left of this page for more information.

We look forward to doing business with you.

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  Web Administrator


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